Friday night was Music Night at Jeff's school. It was a bit hectic trying to get both Amanda and I there on time, but we made it, just a few minutes late!
Amanda has been to every one of Jeff's music nights since she was born. I think some people think we're strange to bring her, since they tend to go pretty late (this one ended at around 10 pm), but they're on Friday nights and she enjoys them. Being the musical sponge that she is, she knows pretty much all the instruments you could imagine, and can act out an approximation of how each one is played. So she really likes watching the bands play and pointing out all the different instruments. She also likes to groove along to the fast songs and sway to the slow ones. Plus, they have cookies! That match your outfit!

(Side note: I'm writing this on Monday evening...as I was getting her ready for bed tonight, Amanda found the case for a Celtic harp Christmas CD I played for her on the weekend in a totally failed attempt to convince her to nap. She pointed to the painting on the front, of a woman playing the harp, and said "maybe that's you Mom!". "No, I don't know how to play the harp," I said, to which she replied "like this - put out your fingers and move them very very slowly", along with a harp-playing demo. Priceless!)
Hanging out with Daddy:

And a final gratuitous belly shot...