Tiny Tutus
One fun thing we did this summer (well, Amanda did anyway) was take a Tiny Tutus class. I hadn't ever seen a dance class for 2-year olds before, but we figured she loves music and she loves to dance, so it would be fun for her. She had a blast! Jeff got to take her to the classes, since I had to work, but I did work from home one day so I could sneak out in the middle of the day and watch a class. Amanda was a star! She actually listened to the instructor and followed directions pretty well (many of the other kids in the class didn't do so well with that). They would play "freeze", where they'd have to stop when the music stopped, and a "fast-slow" game where the music would change tempo and they'd have to change their dancing to reflect that. Amanda is really good at fast and slow and likes to trick us when we're singing at home, demanding we go fast or slow and laughing at us trying to keep up. They also did lots of stuff with hula hoops, scarves, wands, pom-poms, and other props. Amanda was especially good at the stretching part of the class. She was also a bit of a teacher's pet, enjoying sitting in the teacher's lap for many of the sitting activities.
Overall, it was great - and it was amazing for us to see Amanda act so grown-up in the classes! We've got lots of great video, which we'll have to figure out a way to post...in the meantime here are a few pics. Oh, and one more thing - you would not believe how many kids came to the class (which cost all of $25) decked out in full ballet gear! We're far too frugal (cough cough...cheap) for that, so Amanda's outfit didn't exactly match. Not that she cared! The skirt she's wearing in these pics is from her fairy costume last Halloween.

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