Sunday, December 31, 2006

Day 22: Christmas Concert at Church

Day 22

December 22nd was the day of our annual Christmas sing-along concert at the church. This concert has been held for many years - at least since Jeff first started directing there - and has run the gamut from simple sing-along to full multi-choir performances. This year's concert definitely fell into the first category...very simple, no choir performances, just sing-alongs for everyone to participate in. Everyone seemed to have a great time.

Partway through, Jeff called all the kids up to the front to sing Rudolph and Jingle Bells (which happen to be Amanda's two favourite Christmas songs). She was by far the youngest kid up there, but it was her idea to participate and she did great! It was so funny to see the long line of "big kids" with Amanda at the end:
Day 22

She even managed to snag a prize from Dad!
Day 22

(Click any photo to see more).

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