Saturday, July 29, 2006

Catching Up...

Wow, lots of stuff to catch up with!

The last few weeks have been really hot and humid in Vancouver, and we've been making the most of the summer weather since we know it doesn't always last long! Jeff and Amanda have been getting out to lots of different splash parks and playgrounds during the days, as well as spending time in our backyard. Here are a few on any of the photos to see many more!

Fun at the Rocky Point splash park:
Splash Park Fun

Jumping through the sprinkler:
Hot Day 2

Splashing around in the backyard pool:
Ready for the Beach!

Hanging out with Dad in her "cute hat":
Summer Smiles

Enjoying her very first taste of corn on the cob:
Piece of Corn

Looking like a quintessential toddler:
Sitting Pretty

And looking, well, frankly pretty ridiculous:
Goofy Girl

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