7 month update
Amanda is 7 months old today! The Health Unit scale told us that she weighed exactly the same as she did at her 6 month doctor's appointment (18 lbs, 5 oz), but she had grown a bit, to 27". (I'm sure she has actually gained a few ounces, as the scales aren't too accurate and her weight depends on when her last feeding was). We had a wonderful first Christmas and enjoyed showing Amanda off to our family and friends! She was very well behaved (she even attended Midnight Mass!), but it took us awhile to get her back on schedule after the holidays were over. We are still on tooth-watch...we keep thinking she will get a tooth or two any day, but so far we haven't seen any! She is definitely keeping us on our toes sleep-wise; we have had several full 12-hour nights of sleep, but they are interspersed with terrible nights where she is up two or three times. Amanda is continuing to enjoy solids - we have now had rice and oat cereals, as well as sweet potato, banana (her very favourite!), and carrots. We also tried barley cereal, but she was waking up every night with screaming fits, so we think it gave her a tummy ache. Still nothing on the crawling front, which suits us just fine! But she is starting to pull herself up on the side of her crib - so far she can do this from a sitting position only (and she can't get herself into this position, she has to be sat up by someone else), but we are anticipating that she will figure it out soon and we'll have to lower the crib mattress. Amanda also started swimming lessons yesterday, but it didn't go too well - she cried through the whole lesson. She was a bit tired, so we'll hope that she enjoys it more next time. We will go twice a week for five weeks. We are also starting a new mom & baby group with several of the people we've met, since our babies have outgrown the mom & baby group we used to attend! It's hard to believe - I remember starting to go when Amanda was only a month old, and she was so tiny compared to all the other babies. I couldn't believe she would one day be four or five months old...and now she is seven months old! Time is going by so quickly.