6 month update
Our little girl is 6 months old! It is incredible how fast she is growing. We will get her height and weight at her Doctor's appointment later this week, but our arms tell us that she is definitely getting heavier! Sleeping has much improved over the last week or two - we are routinely getting 8-10 hour nights (although we are waiting for the 6 month growth spurt to kick in and cause a few sleepless nights...hopefully only a few!). This was a big month - Amanda started solids (rice cereal) and seems to really enjoy it; we held her baptism, which went wonderfully; sitting up is now second nature, which opens up all kinds of new avenues for play; and we started introducing a few baby signs, which we hope will help Amanda communicate with us before she is able to speak. We are trying to get organized for Christmas, which is harder than usual with a baby in the house! We're really looking forward to sharing the holidays with our beautiful girl. Looking back over the last six months, life is definitely more challenging these days, but so, so rewarding. We are so proud of the little person that Amanda is becoming - she makes us smile and laugh every day and brings so much joy to our lives!